COMPANY: FIATC (Mutual Insurance and Reinsurance Company)
POLICY NUMBER: 0030-01032415
GROUP: Education
TYPE: Course, School, Sport Academy


  • Activity Description: Surf
  • Type of Coverage: During Activity
  • Description of Risk: Indemnity for accidents suffered by the insured parties.
  • Maximum limit per claim: 600.000,00 euros

COVERAGE PER INSURED (Capital sums per insured, in euros)

  • Death due to accident: 6.000,00
  • Partial disability due to accident (Mod. a 100%): 6.000,00
  • Health Assistance in Subsidized Centers: Unlimited.


The presentation of the corresponding accident report stamped by the policyholder (available at the document management of the contracted policy) will be obligatory for the provision of assistance.

UNLIMITED health care, provided that it is included in the COVERAGE PER INSURED section, will be provided exclusively by the center indicated in the formalization or, failing that, please refer to the FIATC website for clients in the section MEDICAL GUIDE.

Health services that cannot be provided by the center indicated in the formalization shall be provided by the health centers designated by Fiatc.

No invoices will be paid for health centers not designated by Fiatc.

The Medical Assistance coverage shall not cover accidents occurring after the departure from the facilities, if this fact has not been communicated by the Policy Holder. The Policyholder shall be obliged to submit to the insurer information of the injured insured parties, and it must be signed by authorized personnel of the facilities present on the day of occurrence of the accident.