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Intermediate Level (Beginner Intermediate and Intermediate)

This level is divided into two sublevels for more effective progression: Beginner Intermediate and Intermediate.


Who is it for?

This level is for surfers who already master the basics and are comfortable on foam waves, looking to progress to larger waves and learn basic maneuvers. It is divided into:

  • Beginner Intermediate: For those who master standing up on foam and are looking for the transition to small green waves.
  • Intermediate: For those who already surf small green waves and are looking to develop maneuvers and improve their wave reading.


What will you learn at this level?

In both sublevels, we will work on:

Beginner Intermediate:

  • Transition to Green Waves: Initial contact with small green waves, focusing on take-off and initial control.
  • Improving Paddling: Techniques for more efficient paddling and entering the peak.
  • Basic Wave Control: Maintaining direction and balance on the wave.


  • Advanced Positioning: Wave reading, choosing the best position at the peak (line-up), and strategies for entering the wave.
  • Paddling and Overcoming the Break: Optimizing paddling and techniques such as the turtle roll or duck dive to efficiently overcome the break.
  • Control on the Drop (Take-off): Refining the take-off on green waves, speed control, and trajectory adjustment at the base of the wave.
  • Introduction to Basic Maneuvers:
    • Trim: Direction control to ride the wave.
    • Cut-back: Basic turns to return to the wave face.
  • Connecting with the Wave: Taking advantage of the different sections of the wave (face and foam) to maintain flow.
  • Advanced Techniques: Using weight and shoulders to control turns, analysis and correction of common errors.
  • Personalized Advice: Instructor advice on purchasing your own equipment for independent practice.


Objectives of the Intermediate Level (to advance to the Intermediate-Advanced Level):

To move on to the next level, students must:

  • Perform the take-off on green waves safely and consistently.
  • Maintain speed and control during the wave ride.
  • Execute basic maneuvers such as bottom turns, top turns, and cut-backs fluently.
  • Demonstrate good wave reading, identifying the best waves and lines within the peak.
  • Adapt to different sea conditions and handle larger waves with confidence.
  • Have their own equipment.



  • 1 time per week: €100
  • 2 times per week: €160


Important Additional Information:

  • The student-to-instructor ratio is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5. This ensures personalized attention and effective learning.
  • Classes include all the necessary equipment for surfing (board, wetsuit, etc.).
  • The most straightforward translation of "No se utilizan tablas “duras” en este nivel" into English is:
  • "Hard" boards are not used at this level.



  • You must inform the technicians if the student suffers from any illness, injury or other illness that could be relevant.
  • By signing the REGISTRATION FORM form you authorise the technicians of our school to take the appropriate decisions in case of accident or illness.
  • Due to adverse weather conditions, schedules may change.
  • Payment for the activity will be made by bank transfer between the 1st and 5th of each month. In the concept must indicate the name of the student. If the transfer has not been made before the 5th of each month, the student will not be able to attend classes that month.
  • If a student does not attend a class, they will not be able to postpone it for another day, unless the absence is due to illness or injury. In this case, the student must present a medical certificate. The class must be held in the same month (with another group if necessary). The student must notify the school of the desired date as soon as possible. Once the availability of places has been verified, a confirmation email will be sent.
  • All official communications between parent/student and school will be made by email
  • Any communication made by other means (telephone, whatsapp...) will not be valid.
  • It is obligatory for the student to have the FEDERATIVE SPORTS FORM granted by the Canarian Surfing Federation.

Important information

  • Monday and  Wednesday:
    • 1:00 a 3:00pm
    • 4:00 a 6:00pm

Recent opinions

Secure payment

  • Visa
  • mastercard
  • visaelectron
  • cirrus

Do you have any questions?

  Contact us
+34 928 22 04 37