Consejos Surf

Surf Spots

Discover the Hidden Treasures in the Sea


Hello, surf lover! Today, we're going to dive into the exciting world of surf spots, those magical places where waves come to life and surfers find freedom in the sea. At Oceanside Gran Canaria, we know that spots are more than just locations in the ocean; they are true treasures that hold secrets and challenges waiting to be conquered.

What are Surf Spots?


A surf spot is much more than a point on the map. It is a place where currents, winds, the seabed, and topography combine to create perfect waves. Each spot has its own personality and character, and surfers know it like the back of their hand. Some spots are famous for their epic waves, while others are local sanctuaries, known only to a few lucky ones.


The Secrets of the Spots


Each surf spot has its secrets and particularities that only experienced surfers can decipher. Tides, weather conditions, and wind direction are crucial factors that determine whether a spot will be at its best or not. Surfers spend years studying these details to make the most of the opportunities the ocean offers them.



Surf spots in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


The Surfing Community


Spots are not just places to surf; they are the heart of the surfing community. At each spot, you'll find a brotherhood of surfers who share a passion for the waves and nature. Here, stories, tips, and laughter are shared, creating bonds that transcend borders and cultural barriers.

Respect for Nature


Surfers know that their passion depends on the health of the ocean and the natural environment surrounding it. At Oceanside Gran Canaria, we are committed to the preservation of these natural treasures. Surfers often lead local beach cleaning efforts and environmental education to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same spots we love today.


Surf spots are much more than destinations for surfing; they are places where nature and culture come together to create unforgettable experiences. Each spot has its own story and challenges, but all share the magic of surfing. So, if you're looking for thrills in the water and a passionate community, look no further than the surf spots at Oceanside Gran Canaria. Come and discover these hidden treasures in the sea!